Liberty’s 5th birthday prayer…

our little lady Liberty is now 5!

she is such a joy – sweet, silly & smart – can’t get over how gracious God has been to our family through the gift of Liberty.

she loves going to the local pre-k & seeing her friends & favorite teacher, Ms CoCo.  she’s learning to read and eager to do “long homeschool” but still takes naps most afternoons.  she’s affectionate & emotional, kind & generous, hilarious & especially fond of doting on her little brother & playing with her big brother.  she’s a wonderful middle child, only daughter.  in the past several months she’s also become much more attune to spiritual realities, enjoys singing made-up worship songs & on occasion, is surprisingly insightful.

because we know that liberty is dependent on our prayers we’re inviting you to join us in our birthday prayer tradition.

will you please join us in praying psalm 63:1-5 (see below) for liberty?  our prayer is that these verses would be the meditation of her heart & the testimony of her life.

5th birthday prayer

Sterling’s 7th birthday prayer…

today as we celebrate sterling’s 7th birthday – we celebrate the gift of family.

and we celebrate the boy he is – affectionate, extroverted, fun, imaginative, thoughtful, God-loving, wonderful big brother – and the man he is becoming.  we truly can’t be more grateful to our Heavenly Father for our firstborn, the boy who first called us “mommy” & “daddy”!

because we know that sterling is dependent on our prayers, we’re inviting you to join us in our birthday prayer tradition.

will you please join us in praying proverbs 2:1-5 (see below) over sterling?  our prayer is that these verses would be the meditation of his heart & the testimony of his life.

7th birthday pryr 1

Shepherd’s 1st birthday prayer…

daily we’re amazed at how abundantly blessed we are by our THREE sprouts!  from aching hearts and empty arms to enlarged love and not enough hands… God’s grace and generosity are evident in every area of our lives!

there’s probably no one more surprised than us that we have a (soon-to-be) one year old!

on tuesday, august 18th shepherd will turn 1.  as with the older two sprouts we have chosen a life verse/prayer for him.  we joyfully invite you to celebrate his life with us as we together give him the gift that truly keeps on giving via our birthday prayer tradition.

will you please join us in prying proverbs 3:3-7 (see below) for shepherd?  our prayer is that these verses would be the meditation of his heart & the testimony of his life.

shepherd 1st birthday prayer

Sterling’s 6th birthday prayer…

on saturday sterling turns six!

how did that happen!?!  we’re not quite sure!  but we do know that sterling is dependent on our prayers… & as such, we’re inviting you to join us in our birthday pryr tradition.

will you please join us in prying proverbs 2:1-5 (see below) over sterling?  our prayer is that these verses would be the meditation of his heart & the testimony of his life.

6th birthday prayer

thank you for prying words of life over him & on his behalf!

Cassie’s view : life on the east side

so much life happens in such a short amount of time that if i don’t record it immediately an almanac worth of memories is swept away by the current flood of memories being made.

here’s my attempt at salvaging & sharing some of those in-the-blink-of-an-eye memories.

the sprouts were bridal escorts in a friend’s wedding which meant that they got to carry the train of the dress & ride in a limo! it also meant that they were at times the star of the show. but most disturbing for them was that it meant they got caught in a rainstorm of confetti. so being the tidy sprouts they are & taking their duties very seriously they tried to remove every piece of confetti from the bride’s dress, a tedious job for sure!

while jarod’s sister cassie was visiting (late april, early may) she had the privilege of seeing our {normal} life & we got to see our {normal} world through her eyes. here’s a glimpse of our familiar (accentuated by her artistic bent):
she also blessed us with some sweet maternity shots. baby sprout at 6 months gestation.

and some candid moments, like our walk to dinner. what the camera didn’t capture was that during dinner i insisted Sterling remove his helmet to eat which immediately resulted in him falling off his stool and hitting his head… & Liberty vomiting all over me. special memories for sure! (sometime we’ll also have to share Sterling’s “view” of our world!)

over a month later the sprouts are still talking about & missing “Aunt Cassie”.

baby sprout’s name…

recently i was looking back over our baby name list & reread our blog post announcing that our last “baby sprout” would be named liberty praise.
it was a fun way to be reminded of God’s faithfulness through the years!

& I figure it’s time to share the name of our most recent “sprout”.
but before I do, I wanted to share a little about our (primarily my) naming process.

i have a few criteria for names:

  • not too common, but also not unheard of
  • when heard people inherently know if the child is male or female
  • easy to spell
  • no nicknames!
  • we want the name to represent God’s character & his goodness
  • (& possibly the most irrational criteria) i’ve never met anyone with the name
  • I also like one syllable middle names
  • for some reason girl names were very difficult for us this time around. we have considered many, many girl names & though some of them we really liked, for one reason or another we’ve felt like we couldn’t use them.

    boy names were not so difficult to settle on. problem was we had two!

    one that i deemed our 2nd boy name from the same 1950’s baby book i chose sterling’s name from. oakley.

    as much as i loved it, jarod was a bit more reserved. you see, I liked that oakley has a strong meaning – grove of oaks. and in my mind’s eye, lends itself to beautiful imagery. i especially liked that it’s from the same era as sterling, unique but not unheard of. sterling & oakley – they’ve always seemed like perfect brother names to me. however, jarod thought everyone would automatically associate his name with the sunglasses brand, oakley. so, since jarod didn’t feel the same way as I did it was clearly not a “real” option.

    being that we only had two boy names to begin with, we agreed upon the second name, a bit more modern, and a recent addition to my name list. bonus: jarod loved… {LOVES}… it. and because he loved it, i prayed for wisdom & that we’d be unified.

    and we are.

    so when the ultrasound tech placed the wand on my tummy & immediately revealed the gender, we had only one name in mind…

    still affectionately referred to as “baby sprout” but clearly loved as our son, shepherd zane.

    as you now know, I take this naming business serious.

    understatement of the year.

    sterling creed = standard of purity & confession of faith
    liberty praise = freedom in Christ & he is worthy of all praise
    shepherd zane = may he love our Shepherd & serve God’s people for He is the God of gracious gifts

    great expectations!

    the day finally arrived! after 2 failed blood tests that would check for the overall health of baby sprout & reveal the gender, coupled with the delay of the routine 20 week check-up, i was feeling quite anxious about G-day (gender reveal day).

    the night before i couldn’t sleep.
    i felt just like a child the night before CHRISTmas – awaiting the big surprise!

    truth be told, i was also battling feelings of anxiety as i was desperate to know if baby sprout was indeed ok. the 2 failed blood tests (both “inconclusive”) along with the realities of friends losing babies while we were in the states & since returning created in my heart a deep desire for a report… even if the “report” concluded baby sprout wasn’t developing normally, i wanted to know.

    as a family we arrived at the special hospital that will accommodate foreigner’s desires to know the gender an hour & ½ before we were actually seen. even so, we all waited somewhat patiently. immediately upon entering the ultrasound room there was a hubbub of hushed voices as the technicians debated if they could/would tell us the gender. thankfully a nurse from a nearby hospital assisted us & convinced them to do it.

    we all got in position. i laid down on the “bed” with the big screen tv on the wall opposite my feet, liberty in the chair, sterling standing by my side & jarod (poor guy) responsible for wielding the camera phone, video camera & dslr – which was forgotten.

    ironically, as soon as the ultrasound tech placed the wand on my stomach the gender was revealed.

    immediately i started crying. sterling was concerned that i was in pain. sweet boy. thankfully everyone else in the room accurately surmised that i was happy. i never expected to be overwhelmed with emotion. but there i was, crying & laughing, simultaneously. such a wave of relief & joy as i saw baby sprout snuggled in his cramped quarters moving his hands & feet. he kept putting them in his mouth. yes, even his feet. he was one active little boy! and with all that activity along with the 4D images i experienced great comfort in knowing he was healthy & growing beautifully. in fact, i kinda felt sad for him, snug as he was with his “long legs.” made me feel better about the size of my baby belly. 😉

    as one might expect of 5 & 3 year olds, they each wanted baby sprout to be of their same gender. needless to say, sterling was thrilled with the outcome & gave me a high five while liberty, as usual, took it in stride. obviously not overly concerned that she didn’t get “her way.” so appreciate her ability to go with the flow.

    afterwards jarod confessed that he “knew” the gender all along. funny since he never let on to me… except now looking back he would only refer to baby sprout as “he” (when he wasn’t referring to him as “them!”) & he would never give an opinion about any of the girl name possibilities, though he did have opinions about boy names. sneeky guy.

    reality is, i had absolutely no idea! in a small way i guess i assumed baby sprout would be a girl, thinking the 50+ hair bows would all eventually be used. but knowing that it’s a boy thrills my heart too for many reasons but also because now all those boy toys – wooden train tracks & legos – will experience the joy of being recycled back into our family!

    sterling will be approximately a month shy of 6 & liberty 3 months shy of 4 when baby sprout makes his appearance. sterling’s already proven he’s got his big brother role down – eager to show him the ropes literally & liberty, well i’m positive she’ll be a sweet & helpful big sister.

    and us, we’ll be grateful the older two are potty trained & somewhat independent as we all welcome our newest – oh boy! – bundle of joy!

    God is so good, gracious & loving to bestow yet another mighty miracle upon us. We invite you to rejoice with us & pray for us as he continues to prepare our hearts for this next season of life.

    great expectations!

    absent in april…

    it’s like a bad april fool’s joke.
    destined – if i don’t watch it – to last the entire month.
    since returning to the east side i suddenly found myself busier than (it feels) i’ve ever been.
    my busyness isn’t so much defined by super hero skills or tasks, but by the daily joy of living, finding & making my way in this new season… requiring i pack a lot into my “work day”. as well as a lot of humility.

    truth be told, the little survey i took asking you your communication preferences lent itself to this sabbatical. strangely & beautifully.
    in essence it let me off the hook.
    with a full schedule from wake time to bed time i was struggling with how to make the blog a priority.
    with language lessons while the sprouts are at pre-k, homeschool, jarod’s weekly travel schedule, various communication commitments, life here in general & (get ready to gasp!) domestic duties, i was fighting “blog neglect guilt”… usually during times i was already preoccupied or too tired to think.

    so, our little blog – circa 2005 – has been relegated to the back burner. or better yet, the boiler, rarely used & forgotten.


    the good news is: for the first time – maybe in our entire marriage – we have margin! we’re enjoying a weekly Sabbath/family day. this means we’re intentionally going tech free for an entire day. and the results – priceless.
    we’re laughing more – together.
    every day is not an emergency.
    our schedule is no longer defined by chaos.
    the sprouts are seeing less of my “box” (ie. large screen taking up my lap & attention) & more of my face.
    we’re usually in bed by 10… and getting enough sleep to feel rested.

    in fact, though I have less time & freedom to do photography (seriously lacking & also a cause for less blogging) & writing, as a family we’re able to be just as intentional as we embrace our life here.

    & because it’s worthy of mention, this little blog sabbatical is especially serving me well as i consider what life with the addition of baby sprout will look like.

    so, with that said, i’m positive baby sprout will get some well-deserved screen time…
    but for now, “the girl” at jdavis2.wordpress is enjoying a lighter load…
    & the moments of this season.

    thank you for visiting, faithful ones.